Belle Alexander
"Home of the Belle Readers!"
Attendance Center for Kindergarten and First Grade
Principal: Mrs. Casie Douglas
1401 Lake Street
Kewanee, IL 61443
Ph: 309-852-2449
Fax: 309-852-0279
Welcome to Belle Alexander! I am honored to serve as the new building principal, after serving as a KCUD instructional coach and business education teacher since 2013. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to lead a school with such eager students, an extremely dedicated staff, and a supportive school community. I can assure you that I share in this district’s commitment to promote excellence in a positive, caring environment in which all students learn and grow.
We are the K-1 attendance center for the Kewanee Community School District. Our mission is to work relentlessly to ensure our students have a solid foundation for reading, behaving, and learning; a caring connected school family; and a formula for future success. Belle Alexander is the foundation of Kewanee's future. We appreciate your support in accomplishing our mission.
In our building, you can expect to see students engaged in learning activities to help them master the Illinois Learning Standards. We believe that learning should be interactive, fun, and tailored to students' needs. We use homework as a way to connect families to the school community and as a way to reinforce the skills students learn at school. Our students are called Belle Readers from the moment they walk in the door because reading is singularly important for their future.
Our faculty and staff are committed to embracing children in a caring school community. We use Conscious Discipline to help students feel safe, connected, and able to solve problems. Families who use the Conscious Discipline approach can help teach and reinforce positive behaviors at home.
I view education as a life-long process and expect that I will continue to learn much about the uniqueness of Belle Alexander this year and in the years to come. Most importantly, I strongly believe that students are at the center of all school-related decisions. I am excited to combine my experience, my eagerness to learn, and my child-centered approach to support our students. The relationships between families and the school are critical to the success of our students, therefore I encourage you to become involved in every way possible. Please don’t hesitate to contact me, as I have an open-door policy and your positive input and ideas are truly welcome.
I have high expectations that this will be a new and exciting year and look forward to working together!
Mrs. Casie Douglas
Belle Alexander Principal