2024-2025 School Registration Medical Forms for Current and New Students

Department of Health

Regulations for the Control of Communicable Diseases


Covid and Communicable Diseases Guidelines Chart (Revised 3/4/24)


The Kewanee Community Unit Schools, in conjunction with the City Board of Health, have set up the following regulations to aid in the prevention of contagion in the schools. Communicable disease may be controlled only if there is cooperation between the home and the school.

  1. Whenever a child has been absent from school, even for a half day, he/she must bring a note from home Giving the Cause of Absence.
  2. Whenever a child has been absent from school on account of illness for 5 consecutive days, he/she must bring in addition to the note from home, a permit from the family physician or school nurse, stating that he/she may be readmitted.
  3. A physician’s permit must be obtained in case of any contagious disease, pneumonia, or following surgery or serious injury.

School numbers:

Kewanee High School (309)853-3328
Central School (309)853-4290
Irving School (309)853-3013
Belle Alexander (309)853-2449
Lyle School (309)853-2741
neponset grade school (309)594-2306
kewanee administration office (309)853-3341


*Immunization Requirements and Health/Athletic Forms and Info


IDPH State code 20 ILCS 2310/2310-700  Illinois Department of Public Health informational materials for school districts regarding influenza and influenza vaccinations and meningococcal disease and meningococcal vaccinations.


Illinois Department of Health - Immunization minimum requirement schedule

Certificate Of Child Health Examination - updated 2024

MMR Vaccine - What you need to know 




*All New Students registering in the Kewanee School District must have a birth certificate or other reliable proof of ID and birth date including a passport, visa or other government document on file in the school within 10 days of the child's entering the district.